TED演讲 | 小事不小,怎么正确使用纸巾?
TED演讲 | 小事不小,怎么正确使用纸巾?
演说者:Joe Smith
Five hundred seventy-one million two hundred thirty thousand pounds of paper tow
els are used by Americans every year. If we could -- correction, wrong figure -- 13 billion used every year. If we could reduce the usage of paper towels, one paper towel per person per day, 571,230,000 pounds of paper not used. We can do that.
美国人每年要消耗掉五亿七千一百二十三万磅的纸巾(此处特指卫生间内供人洗手后取用的擦手纸) 如果我们能——不好意思,说错了,是每年消耗一百三十亿磅纸巾。假若我们能减少擦手纸的消耗,假若每人每天少用一张,我们就能省下五亿七千一百二十三万磅(之前给错的那个数字)的擦手纸,我们可以做到。
Now there are all kinds of paper towel dispensers. There's the tri-fold. People typically take two or three. There's the one that cuts it, that you have to tear off. People go one, two, three, four, tear. This much, right? There's the one that cuts itself. People go, one, two, three, four. Or there's the same thing, but recycled paper, you have to get five of those because they're not as absorbant, of course.
The fact is, you can do it all with one towel. The key, two words: This half of the room, your word is "shake." Let's hear it. Shake. Louder.
Audience: Shake.
Joe Smith: Your word is "fold."
Audience: Fold.
JS: Again.
Audience: Fold. JS: Really loud.
Audience: Shake. Fold.
JS: Okay. Wet hands. Shake -- one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. Why 12? Twelve apostles, twelve tribes, twelve zodiac signs, twelve months. The one I like the best: It's the biggest number with one syllable.(Laughter)
但实际情况却是只需用一张 关键在于两个字 这半边的朋友们,你们的词是“抖” 来说一遍,抖,大点声
(观众:抖 折)
好,现在,我的手是湿的.抖—1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12. 为什么是十二下呢?十二使徒,十二部落 十二星座,十二个月,我最喜欢十二,这是单音节里的最大数字.(笑声)
Tri-fold. Fold ... Dry.(Applause)
Audience: Shake.
JS: Cuts itself. Fold. The fold is important because it allows interstitial suspension. You don't have to remember that part, but trust me.(Laughter)
Audience: Shake. Fold.
JS: Cuts itself. You know the funny thing is, I get my hands drier than people do with three or four, because they can't get in between the cracks. If you think this isn't as good...
Audience: Shake. Fold.
这是三层的纸,折 干了(掌声)
拿下一张,折,折的步骤很重要 因为这样才可以使纸巾里的填隙吸水 你不用非记住这词儿,不过相信我,没错的(笑声)
(观众:抖 折)
(观众:抖 折)
JS: Now, there's now a real fancy invention, it's the one where you wave your hand and it kicks it out. It's way too big a towel. Let me tell you a secret. If you're really quick, if you're really quick -- and I can prove this -- this is half a towel from the dispenser in this building. How? As soon as it starts, you just tear it off. It's smart enough to stop. And you get half a towel.
现在,再跟你们说个厉害的.是你甩完手的时候,要去拿纸的时候 一张纸太大了.让我告诉你一个秘密,如果你动作真的很快,如果你动作真的很快.我可以证明这一点,这是这栋楼里纸巾机里的半张纸巾.怎么弄?再刚拽出来的时候就赶紧扯掉,聪明的人得懂得适可而止,然后用这半张纸巾.
Audience: Shake. Fold.
JS: Now, let's all say it together. Shake. Fold. You will for the rest of your life remember those words every time you pick up a paper towel. And remember, one towel per person for one year -- 571,230,000 pounds of paper. No small thing. And next year, toilet paper. (Laughter)
现在,我们一起来说——抖,折,请你下半辈子每次拿起纸巾的时候 都别忘了这俩字.不要忘了,每人每天节约一张纸.一年能节约五亿七千一百二十三万磅的纸巾,不是件小事,明年我来讲厕纸.(笑声)
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