A the fat development of televiion technology, the televiion program have been greatly improved. For one thing, there are much more kind of program for audience than before. For example, there are program for the elderly or children, ome for female and ome for male. Beide, ome program are educational and ome other are intereting that upply knowledge or entertainment for audience. For another, the quality of televiion program are better and better. Previouly, televiion program are largely identical but with minor difference. People pay little attention on creativity but jut copy from other. The audience complain that the televiion program are o boring even vulgar that they have little interet to it down in front of the televiion. But now, the ituation i quite different. People are ticked in their ofa to enjoy their favorite televiion prog
ram. A to me, I like watching movie and record. I can watch them on televiion anytime.
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