
2023-10-11 04:27 来源:爱范文 点击:


to trive to be among the top 100 in my field ha alway been my apiration. for the materialization of thi apiration, i have dedicated all my enthuiam and energy to my academic endeavor—both my tudie and reearch—over the pat few year. however, to my dimay, the unatifactory reearch condition in china have caued the reearch and the therapeutic level in the field of my pecialization, namely clinical medicine /gatroenterology, to lag behind thoe of the developed countrie in the wet by at leat 10 year. many of the original idea that i have developed on certain iue in my field cannot be fully put into practice on account of the limitation in peronnel, experimental facilitie and reearch fund. conequently, i trongly wih that i can be admitted into your eteemed univerity to undertake an advanced degree program in clinical medicine & gatroenter



i have cherihed a deep and long yearning for a chance to tudy at your univerity. a early a the year when i wa an undergraduate at the department of medicine of xx (provincial) medical univerity, i had a chance to read the book the reach of helicobacter pylori edited by ome profeor of your univerity which influenced me to take up the tudy of digetive dieae a my area of pecialization. later, during my mater’ program, i focued on the development of the chronic tomach dieae (gatroia) and the incidence of the gatric cancer. the comprehenive reearch and practice that i have performed in thi area further reinforce my determination to eek advanced tudie at your univerity when there hould be an opportunity. thi i becaue your eteemed univerity enjoy a very high academic reputation for the reearch work you have carried out in the field of digetive dieae tudy. thi enure that if i can be admitted into your program i will be part of your well-repected program and i will be able to undertake in-depth tudy and develop a cloe undertanding of the mot updated theorie and technical development in thi field. by working together and exchanging experience with the world’ leading expert in thi field, i will be expoed to wholly novel idea of reearch and ignificantly broaden my academic viion.at the ame time, a china i a country with a high incidence of hepatopathy (liver dieae), i believe that i can make important contribution to the relevant reearch project of your univerity with my rich clinical experience in thi field. of coure, i am fully aware that, to be able to enroll in your pretigiou and time-honored univerity, i will be inevitably confronted with fierce competition from other elitit tudent the world over. but i have full confidence in myelf a a worthy candidate for your program baed on my pat education, reearch and clinical experience, a well a my apiration to develop myelf into a leading expert in china in my choen area.

at the department of medicine and the graduate chool of xx medical univerity, i repectively completed my bachelor’ program and my mater’ program in internal medicine. through my academic endeavor, i have not only laid a firm yet comprehenive groundwork in medical theorie, becoming well-read in claic medical literature, but alo developed a ound ability in rigorou yet flexible logical thinking and a ene of cientific commitment. i am relatively trong at probing, from a micro perpective, into the etiopathologic and developmental mechanim, at theoretically deducing the proce of the genei of a pathological tate, and at demontrating it through well-deigned experiment. during heated claroom dicuion, i could alway convince my clamate with my eloquent preentation, rigorou logical analyi and detailed experimental tatitic. in addition to that, i have alo won general recognition from the teacher and profeor who taught me.my reearch capacity, creative thinking and experimental kill experienced further improvement a i joined a reearch group at the xx reearch intitute of digetive dieae to undertake a reearch project for my mater’ program. under the leaderhip of prof. xxx, the mot celebrated pecialit on digetion, i participated in the project the development of chronic tomach dieae (gatroia) & the mechanim of cancerization ponored by xx provincial bureau of public health. in thi project, i focued my reearch on the mechanim of action and the cellular immunity of the catalyt ubunit telomerae in cancerization and invetigated, through a microcopic approach, the clinical ignificance that thoe two factor may produce on the diagnoi, treatment and prognoi of the gatric cancer. my thei, entitled the expreion of htert mrna and cellular immunity in gatric cancer and precanceroi won high evaluation from prof. xx and prof. xxx and other pecialit from xx union hopital and the no. 1 clinical medical intitute of xx univerity. they rated my thei a “demontrating originality in conception and effective methodology, enriching relevant theorie and having marked clinical ignificance.”

i have accumulated much practical clinical experience ince i tarted working at the no. 2 hopital of xx medical univerity which i claified a the “grade-a cla-iii” hopital (the highet ranking for a hopital in china). baed on my reearch during the mater’ program, i expanded my reearch area to include the tudy on gatric cancer. i have publihed a total of ix paper (pleae refer to my reume for more detailed information), including the latet the expreion and the clinical implication of the catalyt ubunit telomerae in gatric cancer and precanceroi, in the world journal of gatroenterology and other leading journal in china and collected into cience citation index-expanded index medicu /medline and chemical abtract. ome of thoe paper were deignated to be preented at annual conference on digetion in xx and xx province.while undertaking reearch, i have received formal and comprehenive training a reident phyician of internal medicine and obtained national doctor licene. through the training program i have graped the pathogenetic mechanim of gatrointetinal and liver dieae, cardiovacular dieae, endocrinopathy, pulimonary and connectiv tiue dieae and their correponding diagnoi and treatment. in le than two year after working at the hopital, i paed the national-level qualifying examination to have achieved the qualification a the phyician-in-charge in digetive internal medicine.

helicobacter pylori ha been regarded a the key factor in the incidence of gatric dieae and the contributing factor in cancerization. the reearch in thi field ha reached the molecular level. i have a good foundation of academic reearch in thi apect. china ha a high incidence of liver dieae and a large proportion of patient i deal with in my daily work are thoe of hepatiti, allowing me to acquire abundance clinical experience and deep undertanding concerning the genei of the hepatiti and the dieae-cauing mechanim of the virue. thoe two field will be the area of focu in my propective program at your univerity. ideally, i hope to achieve ome breakthrough theoretically and technically.for too many time, i have witneed the enfeeblement of the otherwie robut life of patient due to their phyiological condition. the horror of eeing the gradual dwindling of a trong-willed life i imply beyond decription. but i have largely tranmuted thi horror into a motivation behind all my academic endeavor and profeional practice. for me, ucce ha only one meaning, that i, to unravel the myterie of the dieae petering human being and to contribute to the well-being of my patient.